dyslexia tutors

Does Dyslexia Tutoring Work? – Dyslexia Connect

Dyslexia tutors answer many questions regarding dyslexia tutoring.  In my experiences as a dyslexia tutor, one of the most common questions concerns the effectiveness of dyslexia tutoring. Does dyslexia tutoring really work? It absolutely does. During my years working with dyslexic students, I have seen proof again and again of how effective dyslexia tutoring is at addressing the language challenges that a dyslexic […]

Does Dyslexia Tutoring Work? – Dyslexia Connect Read More »

Dyslexia tutors answer many questions regarding dyslexia tutoring.  In my experiences as a dyslexia tutor, one of the most common questions concerns the effectiveness of dyslexia tutoring. Does dyslexia tutoring really work? It absolutely does. During my years working with dyslexic students, I have seen proof again and again of how effective dyslexia tutoring is at addressing the language challenges that a dyslexic

Dyslexia and Punctuation

A good dyslexia tutor helps a student develop their reading fluency over time, and one of the ways that they do this is through emphasis on punctuation. A dyslexic child tends to have a lot of difficulty with punctuation, sometimes ignoring it entirely when they are reading. As a result, a dyslexic child may read

Dyslexia and Punctuation Read More »

A good dyslexia tutor helps a student develop their reading fluency over time, and one of the ways that they do this is through emphasis on punctuation. A dyslexic child tends to have a lot of difficulty with punctuation, sometimes ignoring it entirely when they are reading. As a result, a dyslexic child may read

Dyslexia Tutoring and Self-Esteem

Many individuals with dyslexia suffer from a lack of self-esteem. This stems from their awareness that they are unable to learn language the same way that others around them do, even though there is no obvious disability that keeps them from doing so. As a result, they often start to seem themselves as being less intelligent than

Dyslexia Tutoring and Self-Esteem Read More »

Many individuals with dyslexia suffer from a lack of self-esteem. This stems from their awareness that they are unable to learn language the same way that others around them do, even though there is no obvious disability that keeps them from doing so. As a result, they often start to seem themselves as being less intelligent than

Dyslexia and Behavioral Difficulties

One very important element of dyslexia is the effect that it has on behavior. Many behavioral issues can manifest themselves when an individual’s dyslexia is not addressed and treated properly. These behavioral issues can take many different forms, but here are some that are common to a high percentage of dyslexics who have not received proper treatment

Dyslexia and Behavioral Difficulties Read More »

One very important element of dyslexia is the effect that it has on behavior. Many behavioral issues can manifest themselves when an individual’s dyslexia is not addressed and treated properly. These behavioral issues can take many different forms, but here are some that are common to a high percentage of dyslexics who have not received proper treatment

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