dyslexia programs

Dyslexia and ADHD – Dyslexia Connect

Many children with dyslexia also have ADHD. How can we help these children make progress and discern which symptoms come from each issue? Due to the natures of dyslexia and ADHD, the symptoms are sometimes confused with each other. One of the primary symptoms of ADHD is difficulty focusing. When it comes to reading, spelling […]

Dyslexia and ADHD – Dyslexia Connect

Many children with dyslexia also have ADHD. How can we help these children make progress and discern which symptoms come from each issue? Due to the natures of dyslexia and ADHD, the symptoms are sometimes confused with each other. One of the primary symptoms of ADHD is difficulty focusing. When it comes to reading, spelling

Can a Child With Dyslexia Succeed? – Dyslexia Connect

Is it possible for a child with dyslexia to succeed? I am often asked this question by concerned parents. Parents often fear that dyslexia is going to severely limit their child’s potential and ability to succeed in life. Sometimes, these fears prevent them from seeking a dyslexia diagnosis or dyslexia tutoring and treatment for their

Can a Child With Dyslexia Succeed? – Dyslexia Connect Read More ยป

Is it possible for a child with dyslexia to succeed? I am often asked this question by concerned parents. Parents often fear that dyslexia is going to severely limit their child’s potential and ability to succeed in life. Sometimes, these fears prevent them from seeking a dyslexia diagnosis or dyslexia tutoring and treatment for their

Dyslexia and Improving Reading Comprehension

For children, teens and adults with dyslexia, reading comprehension can be a big struggle. Even after a a student with dyslexia has made progress with reading, through a dyslexia tutoring and dyslexia treatment program, these difficulties with reading comprehension can still persist. So, how do we help an individual with dyslexia improve their reading comprehension?

Dyslexia and Improving Reading Comprehension

For children, teens and adults with dyslexia, reading comprehension can be a big struggle. Even after a a student with dyslexia has made progress with reading, through a dyslexia tutoring and dyslexia treatment program, these difficulties with reading comprehension can still persist. So, how do we help an individual with dyslexia improve their reading comprehension?

Dyslexia and Guessing at Words – Dyslexia Connect

Guessing at words is a common and widespread problem for dyslexics. To fully understand this problem, and why dyslexia tutors include addressing this as part of dyslexia treatment, we need to consider the nature of the issue. To give you an example of how a dyslexic student may guess at words, I would like to

Dyslexia and Guessing at Words – Dyslexia Connect Read More ยป

Guessing at words is a common and widespread problem for dyslexics. To fully understand this problem, and why dyslexia tutors include addressing this as part of dyslexia treatment, we need to consider the nature of the issue. To give you an example of how a dyslexic student may guess at words, I would like to

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